Wednesday, February 25, 2015



In today's lesson, we started making the banner, footer and buttons for our website. To make these buttons, we used Photoshop. My website is about Football! To make our buttons better, we used the lens flare options in the filter section. I haven't completed all my buttons but I hope to complete them by next lesson. Below is how it looks so far.

This is my banner.

This is my footer.

This is my first button, the Home button.

This is my second button, the EPL teams button.

This is my third button, the gallery button where I will add pictures.

This is my fourth button, the info button where I will add rules and more information.

What I can do to improve my buttons is I can keep the background colours the same as the banner on the top so it can look more professional. I have kept the banner a light blue to represent the sky during a football match with a lens flare that represents the sun. I have kept the footer a light green to represent the field during a football match so it can match the whole football themed website!

Wednesday, February 11, 2015



In today's lesson, we developed our HTML. We included marquees to make the text move. We also included a picture and made the font sizes different in size and colour. We then chose a suitable background colour and also added links for people to visit. If someone clicked any of the links like gmail or blogger etc, it would take them straight to the correct page (it would take them to the gmail/ blogger page etc). I enjoyed making my own HTML and learning the basics on how to make my on webpage. The screenshot below is the code we wrote in notepad.

Below is what the final webpage looked like! :)
This is my first web page!

Hello World!

This is my first webpage Visit the Google page Go to Gmail Visit the You Tube site

Monday, February 9, 2015



In today's lesson, we started our first webpage and we used notebook to tell the computer what to do and what to show on the webpage using computing language. The HTML for adding colour is <font color="red">This is some text!</font>. Attache below is the work I did on notebook as well as the result at the end as the webpage.

I think that to improve I should add more colour to the background and the font to make it look interesting and make specific things stand out more than other things. I will also add a lot more to my webpage and try to make it a success. Cant wait!

Monday, February 2, 2015



In today's lesson, I completed my calorie counter! I improved it and added the last touches to it to make it a successful calorie counter. I did not have time to let others try my calorie counter but I tried it myself and it worked as planned! Below is a screenshot of my final piece of work.

In my calorie counter, I used spinners, lists and option buttons (etc). They worked perfectly fine! As I would change the age, height and weight of someone the other information would change (like the daily calorie intake, etc). If I had more time and if I had the correct formulas, I would have included the persons BMR. 

The formula above on the screenshot is a formula to tell us the number of calories in the meal picked by a person. Every time someone picks a different meal, the calorie changes to the correct information. 

If a someone eats junk food, it shows the total number of calories and it also recommends the number of calories you should have in a day! Every time someone changes their gender, age, height and weight, the recommended calorie intake changes. 

If someone eats healthy, it calculates the number of calories for the whole day and compares it to the number of calories that should you should have daily to keep you fit and healthy.

Your calorie intake is your recommended BMI. The formula above shows the formula for calculating the BMI for man and woman. If someones weight (etc) is different to others, then their calorie intake changes.

The formula above is a formula that tells someone the number of calories they should have per day. The number of calories they should have changes if the person is male and it changes if a person is female. Even if a male and a female picks the same food, the number of calories they should have would change because they are not the same gender and are different. 

If someone goes over the number of calories they should have to be healthier, then they should eat less of that and exercise daily. They should be very fit!

Every time someone eats the right amount or eats a little less than their daily calorie intake, a message pops up and says "Great! You are eating the right amount of food and you are fit!"

Every time someone goes over their daily calorie intake by eating unhealthily, a message pops up and says "You are eating too much fatty foods! Eat healthier, exercise and stay fit!"

I really enjoyed this topic because it taught me new things that I never knew about on excel. I think my project was very successful!